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Best Football Team in the world 2021

 Best Football Team in the world 2021

Best Football Team in the world 2021
Best Football Team in the world 2021

Best Football Team in the world 2021:

To day we discribe  the best football team in the world : here we mention  team name club name,country name , their points and years.

1)Bayern Munchen:

Best football team in the world ..now number one team name is bayern munchen  club name and country name is Germany. their total point is 2052 and these point make top number team in the world.

2)Manchister City:

 Manchister city is name of club and this club country name is England.They got 2nd postion in world for best football team.their point score is 1982.

3)Inter Milan:

Inter milan is 3rd best team in the world and his country name is  Italy. their point table score is 1944.

4)Real Marid:

  Real madrid is 4rth best football team  in the world. club country name is spain.and their point table score is 1937 .

5)Chelsea FC:

chelsea fc  is club of  England . and this club have 5th number in the world .and this team have got  1925 point in score table.

6)Liverpool FC:

Liver pool fc is club of England Country.and England country is very Famouse country for football teams.beacause his most of team are best team in the world. Liver pool  got 1899 point in score table.